Cats are known as the best self-groomers, and most cats groom nearly constantly. Fur licking keeps a cat’s skin healthy and stimulates sebaceous glands in their skin to produce oil to lubricate their fur. But sometimes our furry friends need our help with their grooming, especially if you have a long haired cat.
Long haired cat breeds are bred to have a long, fluffy, and luxurious coat, and no matter how old they are, their tiny tongue cannot groom that entire coat. It is just not possible. If you have a long haired cat, you need to be ready to comb them on a regular basis.
A daily brushing routine is beneficial to your kitty as it will remove dirt, grease, and dead hair from their coat. Combing also helps to remove skin flakes and increase blood circulation, which improves the overall health of your cat. And most importantly it helps prevent matting or pelting, which is the number one problem long haired cat owners encounter.
Your cat may love getting groomed by you, or they might hate it and snarl and try to hide from you as soon as you pull out the brush. However the case, your long haired cat needs you because matting can be extremely painful and detrimental to their overall health and mood. So to make it a bit easier, we have gathered the top 3 cat combs that every long haired cat parent needs to have.
1. Two-in-One Rake
The two-in-one rake is perfect for long haired cats because it desheds and demats. One side removes tangles and mats, and the other side removes all loose and shedding hair.
This rake is perfect for preventing mats in long haired cats. However, if your cat has developed mats, the two-in-one rake can help break matted areas. Make sure you take things slowly and always start a dematting session with a calm and relaxed cat.
We love recommending the Freshly Bailey Two-in-One Rake because it has proven to be effective at removing mats and deshedding the undercoat while creating a positive grooming experience. The tool is terrific for getting into the undercoat and for working through the stubborn tangles. It is great for grooming long haired cats, and loved by long haired cat parents as you can read in the raving reviews.
Groomer's Tip: Always use short strokes when dematting your cat. Do not pull through the mat as it can be very painful.
2. Dual-Length Metal Comb
The dual-length metal comb is the perfect tool for grooming long haired cats. It is specifically designed to make cat grooming easier. Plus, it is the exact same tool used by many professional cat groomers, and it's perfect for daily use.
This cat comb demats, detangles, and combs - 3 in 1. The short and long teeth pretty much cut grooming time in half. Plus the rounded head pins protect your kitty’s sensitive skin. They actually create a massaging effect that your fur baby will love.
We love the Freshly Bailey dual-length comb because of its professional-grade quality. The handle also makes it super easy and comfortable to use. It’s ergonomic and doesn’t cause any pain in your hands unlike other cat combs that make your hand tired right away.
3. A High Quality Slicker Brush
We love recommending the Self Cleaning Slicker Brush because it is very easy to use, super effective, and easy to clean and maintain at the same time. It is always important to keep the bristles of a slicker brush from bending or getting damaged as this can cause skin irritation, pain, and discomfort.
What we love about this brush is that you can brush your cat, and then just click and clean the brush. The bristles retract when you click so they are kept from being damaged. And your brush can be stored and ready for your next brushing session.
This brush is a great starter brush if your cat hates to be brushed. It is super easy to use and highly recommended by vets and groomers.
1. Start your grooming session with a calm and relaxed cat. Do not randomly begin brushing in the middle of a play session. Wait for your cat to be calm.
2. Do not bathe your cat and keep the fur dry. If you are brave enough to bathe your cat, and then she runs away from you before you are able to dry her. You will definitely end up with a matted cat!
3. Grab your two-in-one rake or dual-length metal comb and begin with your cat’s belly and legs by gently combing the hair.
4. Comb the neck hair.
5. Don’t forget about the tail - part it down the middle and gently brush out the fur on either side.
6. Keep combing through until you finish the entire body. If your cat is too matted, we recommend using the two-in-one rake. Use the wider side with gentle and short strokes. You may need several grooming sessions to tackle all the mats.
7. Give your cat a yummy treat when you finish every combing session.
8. Make sure you comb your long haired cat on a daily basis. Regular grooming helps with hairballs and prevents painful matting.
1. Start your de-matting session with a calm and relaxed cat. Do not randomly begin brushing in the middle of a play session. Wait for your cat to be calm.
2. Do not bathe your cat and keep the fur dry. You may want to use an untangling spray for really stubborn mats.
3. Grab your dematting tool and begin brushing using the 9-rounded-teeth side (specifically designed for dematting purposes) using short strokes. When you reach a mat, hold the fur closest to the skin with your fingers before brushing or pulling at the mat. This helps control the resistance from your brushing and avoids pulling on the cat’s skin. Start at the end of the mat and work your way up. This helps prevent the pain of the brush getting stuck.
4. Use the 17-rounded-teeth side to remove any loose undercoat and debris.
5. Give your cat a treat and praise him for his patience.
6. When a mat is too knotted, you may use some blunt-end scissors to cut through the mat. Carefully slide the scissors along the skin into the mat, holding them perpendicular to the skin; the bottom blade should slide along the skin. Cut up, into the mat. Make a clean cut and try not to pull the hair while cutting.
Depending on the severity of the mats, it could take several days to tackle them all, and you need your cat's cooperation and patience, so don't push it all at once. After you have removed most or all of the mats, groom daily with a dual length comb or slicker brush. Always end your grooming session with a treat.
I can’t tell you enough how fortunate I was to come across your products! They are absolutely amazing! I will never ever use any other brand of grooming tools on my 2 Persians!
I can’t tell you enough how fortunate I was to come across your products! They are absolutely amazing! I will never ever use any other brand of grooming tools on my 2 Persians!