How to Groom a Goldendoodle: A Simple Guide for a Fluffy Best Friend

How to groom a goldendoodle

Hello there, Goldendoodle parents! If you're anything like me, you know that grooming your fluffy friend is crucial for their well-being, not just for those adorable Instagram pictures. But, let's be real—grooming can be daunting, especially for first-timers. So, I'm here to help you break it down step-by-step.

Before you get your hands, or paws, dirty, you're going to need a few tools. Trust me, having the right tools can make a world of difference.

Necessary Tools:

1. Dog Shampoo and Conditioner:

Opt for a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo, and don't skip the conditioner—it'll make brushing easier. That’s why we love and recommend the Freshly Bailey Doodle Shampoo and Conditioner

doodle shampoo

view and check price at amazon button

2. Towels:

Keep a couple of absorbent towels ready for the post-bath snuggle.

3. Dog Brush and Comb:

We recommend the doodle slicker brush and a metal comb to find any mats and add the finishing touches. 

brush for goldendoodle
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4. Hair Clippers:

If you're going for a full grooming session, you'll need some professional dog clippers and guards

Hair Clippers for Goldendoodles - Freshly Bailey
view and check price at amazon button

5. Scissors:

For trimming around the eyes, ears, and paws. We recommend the rounded-tip grooming scissors for added safety. 

Grooming Scissors - Freshly Bailey
view and check price at amazon button

6. Nail Clippers:

A good pair of nail clippers specifically designed for dogs, please!

7. Toothbrush and Dog Toothpaste:

Yes, dental hygiene is just as important for our fur-babies.

8. Ear Cleaning Solution:

Because those floppy ears can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

    How to Groom a Goldendoodle Step-by-Step

    Step 1: Pre-Bath Brushing

    I would say this is the most important step of all. Goldendoodles are notorious for getting mats in their curly, wavy coats. So, before you even think about turning on that hose, grab your doodle slicker brush and start detangling. This makes the washing process more effective and a lot less painful for your pooch.

    You may need to cut or clip any severely matted areas that can't be brushed out. 

    If you skip the pre-bath brushing, any tangles will get worse with water, and your Goldendoodle may end up severely matted. 

    Step 2: Bath Time

    bathing a dog

    Fill your tub with lukewarm water. Too hot or too cold can make your Goldendoodle uncomfortable. Apply shampoo and gently massage it into the coat. Once you've gotten a good lather, rinse thoroughly and get ready for some wet doggy kisses. If you’re using the Doodle shampoo and conditioner, you’re good to go. Otherwise, don’t forget to add conditioner and rinse again. 

    Step 3: Towel Dry

    drying goldendoodle

    Lay out a towel and let your doodle step onto it. Use another towel to pat them dry. Trust me, your dog will do a lot of the drying work for you by shaking water all over your bathroom. It's a mess, but it's a cute mess!

    Step 4: Blow Dry

    For this step, a dog-specific blow dryer works best, but your home hairdryer on a cool setting can work in a pinch. Just make sure to keep it on a low setting to avoid overheating or scaring your pup. Gently dry your dog's fur while brushing it to prevent tangles.

    Brush your Goldendoodle's hair after it's dry with the slicker brush and finish with a metal comb

    Step 5: Clip Those Nails

    While your dog is still somewhat damp and more relaxed post-bath, it's a good time to clip their nails. Make sure to only trim the tips and avoid cutting into the quick, the pink part inside the nail, as it's sensitive and can bleed.

    Step 6: Hair Clipping

    This step is optional and depends on how long you like your Goldendoodle’s coat. If you're going for a trim, use your hair clippers with a guard comb for an even cut. Start from the neck and work your way down to the tail, sides, and legs. Use scissors for more intricate areas like the face, ears, and paws.

    For a more detailed step-by-step on how to cut your Goldendoodle’s hair, scroll down below. 

    Step 7: Brush Those Teeth

    Just like us, dogs need their teeth brushed too. Use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste and gently brush in circular motions. This may take some getting used to, but it's vital for your dog's dental health.

    Step 8: Ear Cleaning

    Last but not least, clean those ears! Dampen a cotton ball with an ear cleaning solution and gently wipe the inside of the ears. Don't dig deep; just clean the areas you can easily see.

    And voila! You have successfully groomed your Goldendoodle! This might seem like a lot, but once you get into the routine, it'll become second nature. Plus, your Goldendoodle will not only look fabulous but feel fabulous too. Happy grooming!

    For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to clip your Goldendoodle’s hair, scroll down below.

    How to Clip a Goldendoodle’s Hair: Step-by-Step Instructions

    Alright, so you've come to the step that makes most pet parents break into a cold sweat—hair clipping! I totally get it; holding clippers to your fur baby's coat can feel like disarming a bomb, but it's actually much simpler than you think. Take a deep breath, and let's do this step-by-step.

    Tools Needed:

    - Hair Clippers: Go for professional dog clippers with different guard lengths for the best results.

    - Scissors: Specifically, you’ll want rounded-tip scissors for safety.

    - Comb: To help part the hair and find any hidden mats.

    - Optional: You may want to invest in a grooming table if you plan on grooming your Goldendoodle all the time. 


    1. Prep Your Clippers: Before you start, make sure your clippers are in good condition. The blades should be clean and sharp.
    1. Choose Your Clipper Guards: Different areas might require different lengths. A common choice for the body is a 1-inch guard, while you might want something shorter like a 1/2-inch guard for the paws.

    Clipping Steps:

    1. Start With The Body: It's usually best to start with the larger, less sensitive areas to get your dog used to the clippers. Turn them on away from your dog at first, so they can get used to the sound. Then, start at the neck and move towards the tail, going with the grain of the hair (that means in the direction the hair grows).
    1. Move to The Legs: After the body is done, move to the legs. Hold the paw gently and clip from the shoulder downward. Be cautious around the 'armpit' area as the skin is sensitive and can get nicked easily.
    1. Tackle The Belly: Have your dog lie on their side or back, whichever they're more comfortable with. Gently clip the belly hair, avoiding any sensitive areas like nipples or genitalia.
    1. Paws and Pads: For the feet, use a shorter guard and carefully clip the hair. The hair between the pads can get matted, so trim it down but avoid going too close to the skin.
    1. The Tail: Some folks like a fluffy tail, and others prefer it a bit shorter. Whatever your preference, gently hold the tail and clip towards the tip.

    Scissor Work:

    Cutting goldendoodle hair
    1. Face and Eyes: For facial hair, scissors are usually safer. Carefully trim around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Always point the scissors away from your dog's face to prevent accidents.
    1. Ears: The hair on the ears can be trimmed to your preference—some like it long and flowy, while others prefer it shorter for cleanliness. Lift the ear and trim the edges gently.
    1. Fine-Tuning: Use your scissors for any fine-tuning and to clean up areas like the legs and paws, where you might want a more rounded appearance.
    1. Double Check: Once you think you're done, give your dog a good look-over. You're likely to find a few stray hairs that escaped the clippers.

    There you go! You've successfully given your Goldendoodle a haircut, and I bet they look marvelous! Just remember, it's hair, it'll grow back. So if you make a mistake, no worries. You and your pup will have a good laugh about it later—or at least you will! Happy grooming! 🐶✂️

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    I love this article, and it gives me confidence in grooming my mini golden doodle! One question I’d like you to comment on is how to properly hold your doodle while grooming. I assume most of us don’t have the table a groomer uses, so it would be useful to hear any tips or tricks.

    Sandra Hannon

    Very helpful article! Thank you!

    Sandy Elliott

    When we first got our Doodle, I tried to groom him. He wasn’t in the best shape, so I felt I had to try . YIKES. Long section here n there. Nightmare . Paying $120.00 + , every 2 months, is getting pricey. So now I’m thinking of trying it again .

    Denise Van Wynen

    Cost for Teddy who is 90 $130.00. He has been groomed x 2 and does not even like me to come near him with a brush. I refuse to take him back and have him traumatized again. I am going to groom him and hopefully gain his trust back.


    Thank you!!!! I did it! Great directions for first timers


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