5 Best Tools For De-matting Your Cat


Cats are known as the best self-groomers, and most cats groom nearly constantly. Fur licking keeps a cat’s skin healthy and stimulates sebaceous glands in their skin to produce oil to lubricate their fur. But sometimes our furry friends need our help with their grooming, specially if you notice they are are neglecting a specific area.

Old cats, obese cats, and certain breeds such as Persians, Maine Coons, and other long-haired breeds are more prone to develop tangles and mats. Matted fur does not only look bad, but it is very painful for cats. If not removed, it can also cause other health issues including discomfort, skin disorder, flea infestation, mites, worms, and other parasites.

Removing mats from cats is usually not an easy task, but if you have the right tools before you begin, it will definitely make things go much smoother for you and your furry friend. Make sure you take things slowly and always start a dematting session with a calm and relaxed cat.


1. High Quality Dematting tool

Many people fail completely when they try to remove their cat's mats because they use the wrong brush. They get frustrated, and their cat fears the day they pull out the brush to try to groom them. If you want to de-mat your cat, why not use a brush that is specifically designed to remove mats? 

We love recommending the Freshly Bailey dematting brush because it has proven to be effective at removing mats while creating a positive grooming experience. The brush is terrific for getting into the undercoat and for working through the stubborn tangles.

Groomer's Tip: Always use short strokes when dematting your cat. Do not pull through the mat as it can be very painful.

2. Detangling Spray 

A detangling spray is a great addition to your cat grooming tools. A good spray is created to penetrate strands to release tangles. A spray is specially helpful when you find those stubborn mats, and your cat doesn't seem to cooperate. You can spray on the area, let it sit for a while, and then brush it out. 

We love this Detangling Spray because of its natural ingredients, its effectiveness, and its amazing smell! 

3. Slicker Brush 

A slicker brush is a great tool to use to maintain your cat mat-free after you've removed all the mats. You can also use the slicker brush at the end of a de-matting session to slowly and gently brush through any remaining tangles. 

We love the Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush by Freshly Bailey. You just brush, click, and clean the brush. The bristles retract after brushing so they are kept from being damaged or bent. Well kept bristles prevent uncomfortable poking to your fur baby.

4. Blunt-end Scissors

Grooming scissors are great to have on hand just in case there is a matted area that is too difficult to untangle with the use of your hands, the spray, or the brush. Make sure they are designed with a safety round tip so you can cut through without hurting your cat. 

We like the Hertzko Grooming Scissors because they are sharp, professional grade scissors so you can smoothly cut into any mat. They have the rounded tip so you won't poke your cat's skin, and they come in a set of 2 pairs - one for the body, and one for close work around your cat's face or paws. 

5. Cat treats

Cat treats are essential to create a positive grooming experience when dematting your cat. You want your cat to cooperate and be patient as you tackle this task. What better way to do this than to praise him with a cat treat as you untangle those nasty mats?

*Bonus Grooming Tool*

If you've got a cat who puts up a fight every time you need to groom and trim their nails, then this bonus cat grooming hammock is the perfect addition to your grooming supplies. You just get your cat into the hammock / harness, hang it, trim the nails in a matter of minutes, and that's it! It creates a completely stress-free and calm nail clipping session, plus you save some dollars on groomer and vet visits. 


 1. Start your de - matting session with a calm and relaxed cat. Do not randomly begin brushing in the middle of a play session. Wait for your cat to be calm. 

2. Do not bathe your cat and keep the fur dry. You may want to use an untangling spray for really stubborn mats. 

3. Grab your dematting tool and begin brushing using the 9-rounded-teeth side (specifically designed for dematting purposes) using short strokes. When you reach a mat, hold the fur closest to the skin with your fingers before brushing or pulling at the mat. This helps control the resistance from your brushing and avoids pulling on the cat’s skin. Start at the end of the mat and work your way up. This helps prevent the pain of the brush getting stuck.

4. Give your cat a treat and praise him for his patience. 

5. When a mat is too knotted, you may use some blunt-end scissors to cut through the mat. Carefully slide the scissors along the skin into the mat, holding them perpendicular to the skin; the bottom blade should slide along the skin. Cut up, into the mat. Make a clean cut and try not to pull the hair while cutting.

Depending on the severity of the mats, it could take several days to tackle them all, and you need your cat's cooperation and patience, so don't push it all at once. After you have removed most or all of the mats, groom daily with a slicker brush or even the same dematting tool (You can use the 17-teeth-side for thinning and deshedding). Always end your grooming session with a treat. 


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very helpful, thank you

Douglas Kinsey

Good info

Gainer Celia

Good information. I have a cat who was placed in a small carrier and could not stand up or turn around. The matting is going to be a true labor of love. The vet only tackled the large ones around tail and back end of the cat. Groomers won’t do it because Nala is 13 years old.

Gainer Celia

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